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Sunday Storyteller (Social Media)


Sundays are an important rhythm for our church family and God is always doing great things! You would help tell micro-stories of how God is working, community forming, people serving, and laughter taking place. Baptisms. Family dedications. One-off events. You would help show our church family and community these (sometimes unseen) moments. 



  • Be present from 8:00-11:30am on Sunday morning to capture the full Sunday morning experience, from those serving on the various Sunday Serve Teams, to community happening between services. These images/video would be used for use on our IG stories and Facebook.

  • Initial trimester long commitment (3-4 months)

  • Serve 1-2 Sundays a month, depending on your capacity and desire from 8:00-11:30am.

Content Creator


Wanna use Instagram and Facebook to help love people? We're looking for individuals to step in and help create content for our social media platforms (both written and/or with graphics). These volunteers would work with our Communications Staff and schedule and coordinate content in advance. 



  • An initial trimester long commitment (3-4 months)


Working from Home
Happy Woman

Video Announcements


We're looking for bright-smiled, bubbly individuals to help deliver our announcements through video! Prefer to work behind-the-scenes instead? We are also looking for those who would consider writing Gateway's video announcement scripting for somebody else to deliver!



  • ​ 1-2 hours per month

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